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Directions to Carinthia Appartements Mallnitz

Directions to Carinthia Appartements Mallnitz

Our address :

Carinthia Apartments
Mallnitz 126
9822 Mallnitz
+43 676 9208216

By car:

From the A10 motorway it takes about 30 minutes to get to Mallnitz, on good roads. 

By train:

Mallnitz has its own train station where all (international) trains stop. Mallnitz thus has a direct connection to Salzburg and Munich, making it relatively easy to reach by train.  An alternative for the busy Tauerntunnel autobahn (A10): The car train between Böckstein (Bad Gastein) and Mallnitz!

!!The car train between Böckstein and Mallnitz will be closed between 18 November 2024 and 4 July 2025!!!

From the station to your appartment:

A 10-minute walk from the station you will reach Carinthia Appartements, by the way you can also use the free shuttle  service between the station and your appartment! So no dragging your suitcases.

By Bus:
The bus stop is 50 metres from Carinthia Appartements.
Via this link the current bus times

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Published 20-05-2024 / Copyright © Carinthia appartements